Plastika Šamudovský - Brustvergrößerung, Brustverkleinerung, Facelifting, Augenlidoperation, Botox, Liposuktion
Gesichts- und Halsoperationen
Anlegen von abstehenden Ohrmuscheln



Breast Enlargement - Augmentation

Breasts play an important role in a woman’s life from an aesthetic and functional point of view. Their shape, symmetry, and size have a great impact on a woman’s psychological condition and self-confidence.

This plastic surgery is a procedure to enhance the size of a woman’s breasts with breast implants. It is very effective procedure, always performed with very satisfactory and immediate effect. The age limit is highly variable with the general recommendation to select the time when no pregnancy is planned. Augmentation can be performed on women approximately 19 years of age and older, when development of the milk gland is completed. Breast implants have no impact on pregnancy and lactation and do not represent any risk to the foetus.

The silicone implants used in our site are produced by Eurosilikon and Polytech and are currently the best products on our market.

Implants of all sizes and shapes are available in our clinic. Detailed consultation with a surgeon is very important for this type of surgery as well as for basically all cosmetic procedures. The physician must identify patient’s expectations and balance them with the possibilities offered by this procedure. There is a range of implant forms and sizes, as well as options for placing them.

During consultation, the most suitable solution is offered to each patient, so that the result of the procedure will be a proportionally perfect figure with a youthful and natural look of the breasts.

Before the procedure

see the pre-surgery instructions

During the procedure

Augmentation is a surgery performed under general anaesthetic and it takes approximately 1 hour. Basically, there are 2 surgical approaches: incision in the crease below the breast and incision at the edge of the areola. The type of implant placement can be subglandular or submuscular. The method selected as the most suitable depends on the selected breast size, skin and hypodermis quality and, above all, on the client’s wish. Together with the implant, a drain is introduced into the treated breast to drain the blood. Immediately after the procedure, while still in the operating room, a bandage necessary for good seating of the implant is applied around the chest. The client shall buy elastic underwear available in our clinic, to be worn for the following 6 to 8 weeks.

After the procedure

The drains are removed on the day after the surgery, and if the general condition is good, the patient can be released for home care.

Follow-up visits will occur on days 3, 7 and 9, when the sutures are removed. Until that time, the patient should follow the post-operative regime, which means rest without heavy activity. If there are no complications, the patient will be able to resume regular activities gradually from week 2 after surgery.

Recovery is an individual process but it also reflects the patient’s discipline in adhering to the post-surgery instructions. It is recommended to avoid smoking completely until the healing is complete; otherwise the risk of complications is increased. The common interests of the patient and the surgeon are the result of the procedure and mut.